
Stuck in Denver with nothing to do on a beautiful Saturday? We’ve all been there. Before you accept the impending doom of sitting on the couch and binge-watching TV shows all day, know that with a little help from the great outdoors, rental gear, and a positive attitude, you can turn the day around. Renting outdoor gear has the power to transform your lazy day into an adventure. Here are some ways to have a great day outside around Denver, Colorado.
Rent a Mountain Bike
Mountain biking is the perfect activity for somebody who seeks a fun workout while also exploring the great outdoors. You can choose your own adventure. Whether you want to cruise through mild terrain or take on steep inclines and rocky terrain for some added intensity, the Denver area has trails for everybody! You can do cross country, trail riding, and downhill mountain biking all in the same place. Best of all, it allows you to cover more ground and explore more than if you were on foot. Rent a mountain bike at one of our retailers. If you want to do some serious mountain biking, Mojo Wheels has you covered! If you’re looking for something a little more mellow and leisurely, Confluence Kayaks has some great bikes for rent as well! Check out these mountain biking trails.
Rent a Stand-Up Paddle Board
If you prefer spending a little more time on the water than the woods, paddleboarding could be the perfect recreational sport for you! Paddleboarding is an ideal activity for people of all ages and skill levels because it can be leisurely, fun and not very strenuous. It also makes a great group activity for friends, family, and coworkers. There are so many local SUP spots to choose from, so get out there and start paddling. Be sure to check out Altitude Paddleboards’ wide selection of paddleboards for rent!
Rent a Kayak
Kayaking is another popular water sport that can be enjoyed by everybody. Plus, Colorado is known for some of its beautiful kayaking destinations. Next time you’re stuck with seemingly nothing to do, rent out a kayak and explore the diverse waters around Denver. Our friends at Confluence Kayaks will get you set up with the perfect kayak for any adventure, whether you’re looking to forge the rapids or to have a relaxing day on the lake.
Rent Some Camping Gear
If camping isn’t your thing, you might want to skip this one. If it is and you don’t have camping gear of your own – have no fear, Gearo is here! Not having the right gear should never come in between you and your next adventure. There’s nothing like getting out of dodge and into nature and what better way to do it than camping? Check out our huge assortment of rental camping gear from Outdoors Geek. Colorado has some incredible campsites to offer for your next camping trip. Stargazing, campfires, hikes, and the fresh Colorado air await you, so what are you waiting for?
There are so many ways outdoor gear can help you reconnect with nature. Don’t have any? That’s no excuse! Renting gear with Gearo is quick and easy – like it should be. Check out our map of local retailers and pick out some gear today!
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