Stuck Indoors in Denver? Rent Some Outdoor Gear and Reclaim the Day!

Stuck in Denver with nothing to do on a beautiful Saturday? We’ve all been there. Before you accept the impending doom of sitting on the couch and binge-watching TV shows all day, know that with a little help from the great outdoors, rental gear, and a positive attitude, you can turn the day around. Renting outdoor gear has the power to transform your lazy day into an adventure. Here are some ways to have a great day outside around Denver, Colorado.
Rent a Mountain Bike
Mountain biking is the perfect activity for somebody who seeks a fun workout while also exploring the great outdoors. You can choose your own adventure. Whether you want to cruise through mild terrain or take on steep inclines and rocky terrain for some added intensity, the Denver area has trails for everybody! You can do cross country, trail riding, and downhill mountain...